3-Step Guide to
In-Campaign Optimizations
In order to be successful today, marketing teams need to combine data and foresight to course correct active campaigns, a process also referred to as in-campaign optimizations, across the entire marketing mix.
With modern unified measurement tools, changing campaigns that are in-flight is not only possible, but necessary for brands looking to gain a competitive advantage.
Brands are now adopting a culture (and the technology) that empowers their marketing teams to be agile and improve campaigns as they progress, not after the fact. But turning active campaign recommendations into revenue requires a few prerequisites.
In this guide, we lay out the three steps needed for effective in-campaign optimizations. Download this guide to learn more about:
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Forward-looking brands rely on Marketing Evolution to deliver accurate person-level unified marketing measurement across both online and offline channels to maximize their media spend, creative rotation, brand impact, and, ultimately, their marketing ROI.